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Improving Analytics Integrity

The data quality in web analytics reports has long been a point of concern for analysts. These days we’re dealing with Google Analytics spammers, bots, and other noise in our reports, but the idea that web analytics reports are “just not quite right” has long been considered the norm. One of the reasons for this lack of […]

How Many Users Block Google Analytics, Measured in Google Analytics

December 2017 update (blocking levels down some). June 2016 update (blocking levels a little higher). There’s now a significant number of users that use ad-blockers, estimated at about 15% in the US (according to PageFair), and that number grew quickly in 2015. Extensions like AdBlock Plus, NoScript, and Ghostery are incredibly popular (#1, #4, and #6 amongst the […]

How Much is an Assisted Conversion Worth?

Recently while looking at some AdWords conversion data a friend and I were discussing how to present acquisition costs to a client. We knew that PPC was contributing more than just what was showing in the basic Google Analytics reports, but weren’t sure what the best way to present the value assisted conversions to the […]

Google Analytics Sampling

If you’re dealing with a high traffic site or doing reports in Google Analytics over long periods of time you may have run into report sampling. Y’know, the yellow box: To me there’s 3 obvious questions when you see it: 1. Why is it happening? 2. What can I do about it? 3. Is it […]